Digital Fire…is it coming for your business?
As technology continues to evolve, so are the skills of criminals. As more businesses make the switch to a paperless office, it’s quite unusual for a break and enter to occur with the intent to steal important documents.
The bigger risk for businesses today is cyber crime, where with a few clicks, your entire business is at risk of a ‘Digital Fire’.
The Australian Federal Police classifies cyber crime as ‘crimes committed directly against computer and computer systems. The use of technology to commit or facilitate the commission of traditional crimes.’
Many small businesses fall into the trap of believing cyber crime won’t happen to them, yet they are the ones targeted the most. Many multi-million dollar conglomerates have sophisticated IT Departments, while small businesses have no such infrastructure to protect them from cyber criminals holding their files ransom, asking for thousands of dollars or their entire digital business is at risk to be deleted.
It’s rare for small businesses to have the funds to back up their data off site, so a cyber-attack can be crippling. Most businesses cannot survive a cyber-attack, particularly if every file they have is deleted and destroyed. Any company that handles data, either personal or corporate information is at risk of cyber crime.
Cyber Insurance will cover personal data, corporate data, data security and defence costs.
Even if a business has an external IT Company, there is no guarantee their data and files are not at risk of a cyber-attack, so Cyber Insurance is recommended.
Over the past three years, Cyber Insurance has become more and more common with an increase in cyber-attacks.
Please contact us to discuss as this is an insurance your business can’t afford not to consider.
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